1/2 acre drip irrigation kit price depends on the crop type. In Kenya, the 1/2 acre drip kit price is categorised as; one drip row per bed, two drip rows, and three drip rows per bed varies significantly. The drip irrigation system price by Grekkon Limited is as per the farmer’s crop choice. The planting beds width is according to crop type. 0.8M wide beds are for 1 and 2 drip row crops. 1M wide beds are for 3 row drip crops
1/2 Acre Drip Kit Price
1. How much does it cost to install drip irrigation on a 1/2 acre?
- Kes 85,000. Three drip row per bed crops; French or green beans, strawberry, herbs, spices, onion, garlic.
- Kes 75,000. Two drip row per bed crops; tomato, potato, capsicums, chilies, cabbage, kales, spinach, collards, and traditional vegetables.
- Kes 50,000. One drip row per bed crops such as watermelon 🍉
The number of drip rows per bed remain the same whether the crop is established in the open field, or in a greenhouse.
2.How long should you run drip lines?
For gravity flow, we run them to a maximum of 25M. For water pump driven water, this extends to 40M per block. This ensures sufficient water provision for the crop along the drip row
3. How much does drip irrigation use per half-acre?
Drip irrigation is the most water efficient irrigation method. The amount of water the crop needs per day on average per half acre is 8,000. A farmer will irrigate according to the depletion rate to maintain this volume in the soil
4. How do you irrigate a 1/2 acre?
During installation, we divide the farm into irrigation blocks according the the water volume, and water pressure available. The farmer will irrigate a block or two at a time for 20 to 40 minutes. This is depending on the crop water need
As the leading drip irrigation kits supplier in Kenya, our technical team advises growers on crop drip irrigation management. We provide irrigation schedules for every crop, an carry out physical site visits to engage our farmers on the ground. Beyond drip irrigation, our farmers benefit from free agronomy advice by our company agronomists across the country
5. How much drip do I need for 1/2 acre?
The amount of drip tape on 1 acre depends on the crop. It is
i. 4 rolls or 4,000 meters for all crops that have 3 drip lines per bed, such as; onion, garlic, French beans, strawberry, herbs, spices, and some ornamental flowers
ii. 3 rolls or 3,000 meters for two drip lines per row crop. These are; tomato, potato, capsicums, peppers, cabbage, kales, spinach, collards, and traditional vegetables
iii. 2 rolls or 2,000 meters for a single drip row per bed crops such as water melon, and butternut
6. How far can you run a drip system?
This is answered in number (4.) above
7. Which pipe is best for drip irrigation?
For main lines and sub-main lines, HDPE or PVC pipes are fine to supply water to the 16mm diameter drip lines. The size of the HDPE or PVC main lines depends on the acreage. The larger it is, the greater the pipes diameter so as to carry more water to the drip lines
8. Can you bury drip irrigation piping?
Yes if the emitters are specially designed for sub-surface drip irrigation. The width and emitters are different from the normal common surface drip tapes. We supply sub surface drip irrigation pipes on order from Kes 25/M

Sub-surface drip irrigation in maize pictorial
9. What are the 2 main types of drip irrigation?
9.1. Surface drip irrigation which is the most common method of drip irrigation, and less costly. The drip line is laid on the soil surface, next to or near the plants’ base. There is water loss via evaporation, and it is easily damage during mechanical field activities, degrades faster from solar radiation and is prone to theft
9.2. Sub-surface drip irrigation. This drip line is buried under the soil to provide water from below. It requires a special drip pipe, and emitter. It is more expensive and requires a higher level of technical skill to install. The key advantage is that zero water is lost to evaporation, less prone to mechanical and solar damage, and the system is not exposed to theft
10. How many drippers can you have on one line?
It depends on the water pressure, but on average 30 emitters
11. How much water does drip irrigation use per 1/2 acre?
A 1/2 of an acre requires 8,000 liters on average per drip irrigation session. To arrive at this, we consider; the total length of drip irrigation pipes installed, the emitter spacing, discharge rate of the emitter, and length of irrigation.
For instance: If a 1/2 acre has 4,000 meters of drip tape with an emitter spacing 15cm, has 3,334 emitters. If each emitter discharges 1.5 litres per hour, then in one hour, the farm will have received 5,001 litres in one hour
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