Greenhouse Polythene Cover


Greenhouse cover

Greenhouse cover or greenhouse polythene sheet is a special plastic film that is used to cover a greenhouse, thereby separating the outside environment from inside.  The greenhouse polythene sheet is UV treated and has a thickness of 200 microns. Comes in colours of white and yellow



Grekkon Limited’s greenhouse polythene cover is a special plastic film that covers a greenhouse structure to create the greenhouse effect. This is by separating the outside environment from inside to create a controlled warm micro-environment within. Our greenhouse polythene sheeting is specifically manufactured for crop production in every technical way. This includes; the choice of colors, paper thickness, anti-UV block treatment, and the anti-drip qualities. The choice of structure, which is a wooden or a metallic greenhouse has no effect on the type of greenhouse polythene paper. Similarly, the greenhouse design; vented type or tunnel type will not affect the paper color chosen. Your choice of greenhouse polythene cover is determined by the crop grown only


GH Bird net

A strawberry greenhouse by Grekkon Limited

Types of greenhouse polythene cover

Greenhouse polythene for sale in Kenya is either yellow or clear (some call it ‘white’). The choice of color will not affect the greenhouse polythene paper cost

  • White greenhouse films.  They for fruiting crops such as tomato, capsicum, chilies, strawberry, and cucumber, or bi/ multi colored flowers. This is because these crops need to make a higher amount of food. To do so, they need more light for this photosynthetic process. Clear paper allows in more light
Clear greenhouse paper

Clear greenhouse cover

  • Yellow greenhouse films. For non fruiting crops such as herbs and spices, or mono color flowers which grow well even under lower light intensity
Yellow greenhouse polythene

Yellow greenhouse cover




Greenhouse sheets in Kenya by Grekkon Limited are 200 micron in thickness

UV Treatment

Our greenhouse plastic films are UV stabilized. This prevents harmful UV rays from quickly wearing down the paper. Films without UV treated wear out fast. The UV treatment lasts for 36 months after which he paper is replaced



1. How much does a greenhouse paper cost in Kenya?

Greenhouse polythene paper cost in Kenya is Kes 96/ meter square

2. What is the best material to cover a greenhouse?

Polycarbonate plastic is the best greenhouse covering material. It is a twin or double wall made of polyethylene plastic

3. Is polythene good for greenhouse?

In tropical locations, yes it is because the daily annual temperature variance is small

4. Can you cover a greenhouse with plastic?

Yes in tropical locations as explained in (2) above

5. What is the best polythene for a greenhouse?

One that suits your crop needs best as explained earlier in this article

6. What grade of plastic is used for greenhouses?

The smooth, 200 micron, UV-treated, with anti-drip polythene paper is the right grade for every greenhouse

7. How Long does greenhouse polythene last?

Our anti-UV treatment is guaranteed for 36months, after which it is recommended to change the polythene


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