Cost Effective Food Preservation
Our solar dryer systems are environment friendly and enhance energy conservation. They are an effective means of food preservation, particularly for small scale farmers.We are the premier natural solar dryers designer and installation company in east Africa. Grekkon Limited’s solar dryers are used extensively in the region by commercial farmers supplying dried foods to international markets and local retail outlets. Our dryers are constructed from food grade material- from the structural system to the cover. They are environment friendly, enhance energy conservation and dry four to five times as fast as open air draining. Our solar drying systems are an effective means of food preservation, adding value to highly perishable foods

The solar drying system utilizes solar energy to heat up air and to dry any food substance or other product loaded, which is beneficial in reducing wastage of agricultural product or any other product and helps in preservation of the product. Based on the limitations of the natural sun drying e.g. exposure to direct sunlight, liability to pests and rodents lack of proper monitoring, and the escalated cost of the mechanical dryer, a solar dryer is therefore developed to cater for this limitation. The solar drying system utilizes solar energy to heat up air and to dry any food substance or other product loaded, which is beneficial in reducing wastage of agricultural product or any other product and helps in preservation of the product. Based on the limitations of the natural sun drying e.g. exposure to direct sunlight, liability to pests and rodents lack of proper monitoring, and the escalated cost of the mechanical dryer, a solar dryer is therefore developed to cater for this limitation.
Solar dryers by Grekkon Limited are available in in all our stores countrywide. Our technical and agronomy teams support and advise farmers on crop value addition. We design dryers according to crop and desired quality output.