Cabbage Farming in Kenya
Cabbage farming in Kenya through irrigation requires even moisture to produce good heads. Our cabbage farming irrigation systems are; drip irrigation, sprinkler systems irrigation, and rain hose kits irrigation. Farmers’ cabbage water requirements are independent of the varieties grown. The best cabbage varieties to grow in Kenya are hybrids, which require consistent irrigation during growth. Successful cabbage farmers who supply the cabbage market in Kenya water 25 to 37 litres weekly. Good cabbage head sizes weighing 5kgs make it easy for a grower to choose where to sell cabbages in Kenya. Below is a review of cabbage irrigation farming requirements by systems

Drip irrigation in cabbage
1. Cabbage farming in Kenya; how to install a drip irrigation system on cabbage
- Bed making
Your beds will be 1M wide to allow for 3 rows of drip lines, and 30cm high for good drainage. Drainage is key to prevent root rot for cabbage as a result of too much stagnant water.
- Drip irrigation tapes laying
2 rows of drip lines per bed. Each drip line row is 20cm apart and the line is 20cm from the edge of the bed. Without beds, each row is 30cm apart

Rain hose irrigation in a cabbage farm
2. How to install a sprinkler irrigation system or rain hose irrigation kit
If you will not make beds, as shown above, then your cabbage spacing is 60 cm apart for rows. The inter-crop spacing is 30 cm to 45 cm. Place your sprinklers or rain hose pipes according to the radius of spray for each to cover the entire area.
Overhead or sprinkler irrigation on cabbage
Cabbage Farming in Kenya FAQs
- 1-acre drip irrigation kit; Kes 145,000
- 1/2 acre drip irrigation kit; Kes 75,000
- 1/4 acre drip irrigation kit; Kes 40,000
- 1/8 acre drip irrigation; Kes 25,000
Use sparsely spaced drip emitters 30cm apart. This cabbage drip irrigation system will water every plant and they will be no irrigation dry shadows. Irrigate in the morning hours and avoid late evening irrigation
Yes. A cabbage plant will require up to 1inch or 25 litres per meter square weekly during the early stage. At maturity, this will be 2 inches/ 50 litres per meter square under dry conditions. Too much water causes root rot, so monitor that the soil is not overwatered
Stop watering onions 7 days before harvest. This improves the shelf life
Grekkon Limited’s drip irrigation systems operate at 10 to 35 PSI
Yes. 10 to 12 hours of sunlight for head formation in the tropics
Yes. Half an inch/ 12.5 litres per meter square of water 4 times a week is enough.